
marți, 14 octombrie 2014

The Sims 4 Ghost Update / Patch

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The Sims 4 did not originally contain ghosts. When Sims died, they were permanently unplayable. Ghosts were added to The Sims 4 via a game patch on October 1, 2014. As in The Sims 3, ghosts come back as non-playable Sims that haunt the area around their graves upon death. Developing a good relationship with them, however, can allow the player to ask them to join the household. Ghosts change to certain colors depending on their emotional state (green for happy, red for angry, blue for sad, etc.).
There is a friendly interaction for ghosts in which ghosts can pass through Sims. Sims can also "Ask Them What Happened" to figure out how they died.
Ghosts can possess objects and go through walls and objects, though the player can choose which objects to possess. Ghosts can also break and/or 'Ghostly Repair' objects through this possession ability, which is useful for Sims with lower Handiness skills.

The known ghost types and their respective attributes are:

  • Old age: The ghost will prefer to take it easy.
  • Hunger: The ghost will seek to satisfy its hunger.
  • Fire: The ghost can cause fires as well as set off continuous fires when they're angry.
  • Electrocution: The ghost can electric shock people, much like the hand buzzer interaction of the Mischief skill.
  • Cowplant: The ghost can help plants grow and mature faster if happy as well as cause them to die if they're in a negative emotion.
  • Laughter: The ghost continuously emits an aura which causes nearby Sims to be playful or happy.
  • Anger: The ghost will negatively influence the mood of Sims living in the house.
  • Embarrassed: The ghost continuously emits an aura which causes nearby Sims to be embarrassed.
  • Overexertion: The ghost will prefer to take it easy. 

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